Pratiloma & Anuloma pranayamas – Strengthening your breathing muscles

Pratiloma and Anuloma Pranayamas

Pratiloma disturbing the natural order, anuloma means along with the natural order. There are many different ways these breathing exercises are taught. They alternate between inhaling both nostrils and exhaling through one nostril (changing sides with each breath) or the opposite, inhaling through one nostril and exhaling both. Here we are going to a version that adds resistance on the inhale.

In science this practice is called IMST or Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training, essentially you are doing strength training for your diaphragm by putting resistance on your inhale, one of the most important muscles in your body.  Breathing in with resistance helps to engage all 5 lobes of the lungs pulling more O2 deeper into the lungs. This also keeps our lungs flexible as well as strong so we can continue to breathe deep throughout our lives.

Very recently, June 2021, a study came out of Colorado University proving the immense benefit of this breathing practice. They used a high resistance IMST with a device for  30 inhalations (about 5 minutes), 6 days per week for 6 weeks. Their results were stunning, the participants:

  • Lowered blood pressure more so than exercise and medication!
  • Had a 45% improvement in vascular endothelial function — which means flexible arteries — this is a major improvement.
    • And even more surprising was that IMST also improved this function in Post Menopausal women. For some reason post menopausal women do not benefit as much from exercise, yet with breath work they did.
  • Significantly increased Nitric Oxide, which improves circulation
  • Lowered inflammation and oxidative stress

When they retested the individuals after stopping the practice for 6 weeks, they found they still maintained the fitness gains. After the results were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association they were awarded $4 million from the NIH to do a larger, longer study.

This is exciting news, I have mentioned many times the benefits I suspected from my pranayama practices, now I know it was not all in my head! As we get older exercise is more structurally challenging, with breath work we can maintain our fitness as we age without the wear and tear on the body. And even during our householder years (25-55 or 60 years of age) when we are working and raising families, a 5 minute breathing exercise that can be done anywhere anytime fits nicely into the busy days of careers and families.

Here is a way to work into this type of breath work, strengthening your breathing muscles:

We will also use our ujjayi breathing on exhale, as this also puts some resistance on the breath and  helps clear phlegm from the lungs.

  • Sit in your meditation posture with straight spine
  • Left hand is in jnana mudra (thumb and index finger together) resting on your thigh – you could also use this hand to count
  • Take 5 deep yogic breaths
  • Right hand is in Vishnu Mudra – See pic to right.
  • With your right hand in vishnu mudra close both nostrils half way. Take full inhale to your brim, the inhale should take about 10 seconds or more.
  • Release your nostrils and exhale with ujjayi resistance (making sound with your breath) slowly and completely.
  • Do 3-5 breaths this way 
  • Take 3 resonance breaths (about a 5 second inhale and 5 second exhale).

Slightly advanced Pratiloma and Anuloma option #2

  • With your right hand in vishnu mudra close both nostrils half way – Take a deep full inhale to your brim
  • Tuck your chin in to Jalandhara bandha, pinch your nose completely shut,  and hold your breath for up to 15 seconds or heartbeats
  • Release your nostrils and exhale slowly and completely with ujjayi resistance.
  • Repeat 3-10x

Take 5 deep yogic breaths

Advanced Pratiloma option #3 (from Light on Yoga)

  • With your right hand in vishnu mudra close left nostril completely and close right nostril half way
    • take a long slow inhale and fill your lungs to their brim (puraka)
  • Hold your breath in with Jalandhara and mula bandhas for til you feel a little air hunger
  • Lower your right hand, exhale with ujjayi sound slowly and fully through both nostrils
  • Raise your right hand in vishnu mudra to close right nostril completely and left nostril half way
    • Take a long slow inhale and fill your lungs to their brim
  • Hold your breath in with Jalandhara and mula bandhas for as long as you like
  • Lower your right hand, exhale with ujjayi sound slowly and fully through both nostrils

This is one round do 3-8 cycles

Anuloma means along with the natural order of things. We are going to end with a nice easy anuloma pranayama:

  • Inhale both nostrils 5 seconds
  • Exhale left 10 seconds
  • Inhale both 5 seconds
  • Exhale right 10 seconds

Repeat for 3-10 rounds.

Take 5-10 deep resonant breaths.

Lie down take rest for a few moments.

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